In the coming years , the Gen Z are graduating college and entering the workforce ,their habits will play an outsized role in shaping American culture and commerce.These are the brands that have set an example for winning over America’s youngest adults.
The Questions Every Entrepreneur Must Answer
I watch Dr. Lu Qi’s speech at the Y Combinator China forum today. Dr. Lu Qi introduced that in 2019, based on the new global landscape and China’s innovation environment, he decided to become independent and establish the MiraclePlus Forum. “The original team has the same original intention. We have fully localized YC with a complete, unique and effective acceleration system and method in a more thorough and flexible way, which can serve Chinese entrepreneurs more efficiently.”
Facebook Ads vs. Google AdWords
通过流量变现,是绝大部份互联网巨头的商业化的主要手段,包括不限于Google、Facebook、Baidu、Alibaba、Amazon、Twitter、Tencent、ByteDance等等。入行数字化营销广告行业几个月,简单学习并记录一下Facebook Ads and Google AdWords相关的广告业务。
一句话起个头,感觉Facebook ads很大程度上是在给消费者创造需求,而Google Adwords则是在满足消费者的需求。
幸运八月,Got it.
(用力奶一口毒鸡汤……哈哈哈哈哈哈哈)Got it